Project 2105 License Group (2105LG) Approved Meeting Summary

February 20, 2004


Call to order: Patti Kroen, Facilitator at 8:30 a.m.


Attendees:  See Attachment 1 for list of attendees.


Water Temperature Discussion:  The 2105LG used the majority of the meeting to discuss preliminary results presented by Scott Tu of the on-going studies related to water temperature modeling downstream with implementation of a Prattville modification.  His presentation and supporting information is available upon request


Settlement Agreement Section Review and Resolution:

A revised agenda previously circulated to the 2105LG on 2/17/04 included a topic in which the FWS was to present proposed modifications to the settlement agreement that would be sufficient for FWS to sign the agreement, or to bring to management any other reasonable counterproposal.  The FWS was not present at the start of the meeting: the facilitator handed out a second agenda with the FWS removed, and after the agenda was approved the FWS arrived at the meeting and protested their removal. A discussion ensued and the 2105LG agreed to hear the FWS proposal.  The FWS presentation consisted of two parts; a settlement proposal, and a list of items relating to their 10(j) filing which 2105LG participants could utilize alone or in combination to formulate a counterproposal.


FWS settlement proposal

·        Defer the start of whitewater recreational pulse flows for 5 years (instead of 1 year as in the draft settlement), and conduct monitoring during the first 5 years to evaluate to evaluate biological responses the new instream flow schedule in the absence of whitewater effects.


Potential elements of counterproposal


         Flow-related Measures


·        Increase instream flows during Wet years in Seneca Reach and during Critically Dry years in Belden Reach

·        Introduce one pulse flow in March of Dry years

·        Consider operational changes to avoid unwanted Spring releases


                        Non-flow-related measures

·        Conduct geomorphic monitoring every 5 years or one time after 20 years

·        Conduct vegetation monitoring and test methods to control invasive plant species

·        Conduct off-site vegetative enhancement, such as in Humbug Valley

·        Conduct geomorphological manipulation of gravel bars

·        Placement of large woody debris

·        Increase fish monitoring activities

·        Increase role of adaptive management

·        Expand amphibian monitoring beyond the listed species

·        Conduct additional wildlife monitoring


FWS emphasized that the extent of measures in any counterproposal need not match that provided in its 10(j) filing; that consideration would be given to the value of testing methods in a limited fashion, as opposed to the "do-nothing" approach to these topics.


There was subsequent discussion between the 2105LG about the relative merits of the FWS proposal; no consensus was reached.  With respect to any counterproposal, PG&E stated he would take the matter under consideration.


Boating Triggers


AW raised the matter of whether boating triggers should be modified in the settlement agreement to reflect the majority opinion of the 2105LG for lower triggers, with the higher triggers listed as an unresolved issue by the objecting party (PG&E).  PG&E stated it was their proposal and they could not include something in the settlement agreement that they could not live with.  No consensus was reached.


Next Steps - Focus for Next Meeting:

The 2105LG agreed to the following upcoming meeting dates and locations:


   Date                                                                                                                          Location

March 1                        2105LG Draft Language review                        PG&E Rio Lindo Conference Room, Chico

March 4                        2105LG Draft Language review                        PG&E Rio Lindo Conference Room, Chico


The 2105LG agreed that the review procedure for these meetings would be to review the settlement document on a line-by-line basis, and the consideration of the FWS settlement proposal and/or any alternative counterproposal would occur during the line-by-line review of the appropriate sections of the document.

Attachment 1:                                     List of Attendees


Bill Dennison                               Plumas County Supervisor

Wayne Dyok (phone)                   MWH

John Gangemi (phone)                  AW

Robert Hughes                             CDFG

Tom Hunter                                 Plumas County

Tom Jereb                                   PG&E

Patti Kroen                                  Kroen

Janet Loduca                                PG&E

Mike Meinz                                  CDFG

Jerry Mensch (phone)                    CSPA

John Mintz                                    PG&E

Nancee Murray (phone)                 CDFG

Stuart Running                               PG&E

Steven Schoenberg                        FWS

Aaron Seandel                               2105 Comm.

Dave Steindorf                              Chico Paddleheads

Sharon Stohrer                               SWRCB

Mike Taylor                                  USFS

Eric Theiss (phone)                        NOAA Fisheries

Scott Tu                                        PG&E

Doug Weinrich                               FWS

Harry Williamson                            NPS



Attachment 2: Water Temperature Presentation (included as a separate electronic file; hardcopy available on request)